We have been blogging full-time since October 2017, and oh my goodness, has it been a crazy ride! We’ve learned so much about the world of blogging (and about ourselves). It has been so much work and very difficult at times, but now we can’t imagine ourselves doing anything else.
Blogging has its stressful parts, but I truly think it’s the best job in the world. I still can’t believe that this is what I get to do for a living.
Not only is writing about travel our dream job, but it has helped us create our dream lifestyle. No alarm clocks (well, except for our kiddo!) and pretty much endless freedom.
Here’s what I mean:
- Our travel blog has allowed us to take as many vacation days as we want.
- This business allowed us to have a very comfortable parental leave (for both of us!) after our daughter was born.
- It has allowed us to purchase our first home in 2021 (in one of the most competitive markets in the US). Yes, really.
- Our business has helped us almost pay off our student debt (of more than $80,000!). We’re hoping to make that final payment in 2023 *fingers crossed*.
- Our blog has earned 6 figures for 4 years and counting.
- This business has introduced us to some incredible friends and has given us opportunities we never would have imagined existed.
- We get paid to travel. ‘Nuff said.
Sound like something you’re interested in?
We just re-launched our blogging course and are so excited to help others on this journey.
If you (or someone you know!) has been wanting to start a blog or level up to making it a full-time career, this is your sign.
If you’re on the fence, we totally get it! It can feel like a big investment, and you want to be sure it will be worthwhile.
We poured years worth of blogging experience and knowledge into this course and we certainly think it’s worth your while. In fact, we’re so confident about that, that we’re willing to give you a little sneak peak to decide for yourself…
You can get the first 3 lessons of our Blogging Bootcamp right now, TOTALLY FREE. No strings attached.
Sign up now and you’ll receive:
- Lesson 1 | Find Your Audience: Honing in on your niche and writing to connect
- Lesson 2 | Goal Setting for Bloggers: Planning for success with big, realistic and achievable blogging goals
- Lesson 3 | Monetizing Your Blog: Actionable steps to begin earning money on your blog today
That last one is particularly exciting as we share exactly how we’ve earned six figures with our blog for 4 years and counting!
You’ll come away with the exact strategies we use, plus the know-how to design your own monetization plan for building a blog that not only pays the bills but allows you to live the lifestyle of your dreams.
Blogging Resources
How We Made $74,367 in Quarter 4: Travel Blog Income Report
Ending the year with a bang! In this travel blog income report, we’re pulling back the curtain and releasing our traffic stats from Q4 in 2019. We are also sharing how much money we earned, what we spent and how we made major gains on our site this quarter.
How We Made $63,750 in 3 Months: Q3 Travel Blog Income Report
The last 3 months have been our most successful and profitable blogging months to date! We switched our travel blog income report to a quarterly format, so follow along as we share our monthly traffic and Q3 revenue of over $63,000!
How we made $17,811 in 1 Month on our Travel Blog: June 2019 Income Report
Come find out how we make money on our travel blog: We’re showing you everything from where we receive our traffic to where we get your revenue. This income report for June not only shows that we had another stellar month, but we actually had our highest monthly profit to...
How we made $18,065 in 1 Month on our Travel Blog: May 2019 Income Report
Take a peek behind the curtain and see what we worked on this month, where our traffic came from, and how we made more than $18,000 last month! We’re sharing our successes, fails, disappointments and lessons learned in this travel blog income report.
How We Made $16,389 in One Month (while Island Hopping!): Income Report April 2019
Last month, we shared our very first income report, and we received such a good response, that we’re doing it again! People are always asking us: “How do you earn money on a travel blog?” And we finally broke it all down, with examples, screenshots, and lots of numbers! Come...
Make Money Travel Blogging and Get Paid to Travel (we’ll show you how!)
Whether your goal is to create a money-making blog or you simply wondering “How in the world do bloggers earn money?!” we’ve got what you’re looking for. We’re going over the easiest ways to monetize a blog and giving you tips for how to get started. Plus, we’re going over...
How to Start a Wildly-Successful Travel Blog Today: Step-by-Step Guide
Starting a travel blog can be utterly life-changing. It can allow you to work (and earn good money!) from anywhere in the world while doing something that you love. But setting up a blog can be a bit confusing. We’re laying out all the steps that are necessary not only...
How to Create a Blog Name (that Doesn’t Suck!)
When you’re first starting out, creating a blog name can be downright overwhelming. You want it to be something that is unique, yet is easy to remember, while also describing your website. Sounds impossible, huh?! We’re walking you through the best steps to choosing a blog name, and we’re also...
16 Things Nobody Tells You About Being a Travel Blogger: No Bullshit Rundown
Travel Blogging is my dream job, but let me tell you, there are a TON of misconceptions out there about this industry. We’re dispelling the myths and explaining what it’s really like to be a travel blogger. The good, the bad, and the ugly, too. This super honest article is...
How We Made $14,179 in 1 Month On Our Travel Blog: Income Report March 2019
We put our heads down and committed to learning everything we could about how to monetize our travel blog. And now, blogging is both of our full-time jobs! We’re breaking down exactly how we earn money on our travel blog to inspire newbie bloggers and answer the most common question...