First of all, THANK YOU for visiting our site! We always love to hear from our readers.
Send us some love, ask us questions, or give us feedback – we want to hear it all!
But first, make sure that this is the correct contact form for you to fill out.
Got a question about a specific article?
The best way to get feedback and answers from us is to leave comments below the article you’re wondering about.
So head back to that article and leave a comment now. We respond faster to those than an email (and don’t forget to come back to see our answer).
Are you interested in writing for Two Wandering Soles?
If you are a blogger interested in pitching a guest post, this is NOT the correct place to contact us, and we will not reply to any guest post inquiries sent from this form.
Please fill out the form on our Guest Post page and we will get back to you.
Are you interested in working with us?
If you are a company interested in working with us, this is not the correct contact form.
Instead, please fill out the form on our Work With Us page and if your company is a good fit with our website, we will be in touch.
Understand that we get several emails from companies each day, and we cannot reply to them all.
Something else on your mind?
Readers, if you want to send us a direct message, please send us an email at hello@twowanderingsoles.com and we will try our best to get back to you.
Please understand that we get hundreds of emails a week, so we may not have a chance to respond to every single one, but we do make an effort to read every message we receive from readers.
-Katie & Ben