This is where we share our thoughts, stories and lessons learned while traveling and living overseas. Get to know us a little better as we share our no-bullshit opinions on some controversial topics. We value honesty, and we hope you dig it too. These are our most personal (and favorite!) pieces we’ve written. We hope you enjoy them!
Year in Review | Opinions & Personal Articles | Income Reports
Year in Review Articles
2023 Recap: Our Year in 23 Memories
2023 turned out to be a very full year. We're sharing our highs (& a few lows too) to give a glimpse behind the scenes of the last 365 days.
22 Moments from 2022
One of the most beautiful parts of 2022 was realizing that we can still go on adventures even with a little one in tow.
21 Memories from 2021
When I think back to the start of 2021, it feels like a lifetime ago and at the same time feels as if it just started yesterday. This year was a Big year for us, with a capital B. Here are 21 of the most notable experiences we had this...
Highs & Lows of 2020
2020 was a rough year for many people — ourselves included. We didn’t want to break our tradition of doing a year-end review, but this time it’s full of ups and downs instead of just highlights. If you’ve been wondering what 2020 has been like for travel bloggers, we’re bringing...
19 Highlights of 2019
When I think back on what we did in 2019, it feels like a lifetime and a blip all at the same time. This was a year was a big turning point for us in so many ways, both professionally and personally. Here’s a highlight reel of some of the...
Top 18 Memories of 2018
With a new year on the horizon, we are reflecting on some of our favorite memories from 2018. From traveling adventures to blogging wins, we’ve had a pretty incredible year and are sharing all the details with you!
17 Highlights of 2017
2017 was the year where we worked at a ski resort, lived in a campervan, and moved to Thailand to start working on this blog full time. 2017 was a year of adventures and lessons that we will take with us for life. We'll take you through our favorite moments...
16 Stories from 2016 (in 1 sentence each!)
Whoa! How did this happen? It's almost New Years and time to say goodbye to 2016. We are continuing our tradition of looking back on the year, so here are a few of our best memories from the past 365 days!
15 Memories from 2015
2015 has been a year of firsts, of goodbyes, and welcomes. And it was nearly impossible to choose just 15 memories, but here are a few that stood out amongst the rest.
14 Lessons Learned in 2014
2014 has changed me in ways I cannot even begin to express, but here are a couple of the lessons we've learned along the way.
Opinions & Personal Articles
Birth Story: Becoming a Family of 4
We welcomed a brand new baby on January 24th, and we’ve been in a (mostly) blissful newborn bubble ever since. It has been a wild — and simultaneously slow — few weeks for us. But I finally have a chance to sit down at my computer and write (since my...
Read More2024 Recap: Our Year in 24 Memories
We're sharing the highs and lows of 2024 along with some behind-the-scenes stories and vulnerable moments.
Read MoreDental Tourism: Personal Experience & Honest Advice
In this article we're breaking down the pros and cons of dental tourism, which countries are the best, and how to go about looking for a dentist abroad. This is all based on personal experience.
Read More2023 Recap: Our Year in 23 Memories
2023 turned out to be a very full year. We're sharing our highs (& a few lows too) to give a glimpse behind the scenes of the last 365 days.
Read MoreThis changes everything…
After traveling for nearly 8 years, we're about to embark on a journey unlike anything we've ever done...
Read MoreHighs & Lows of 2020
2020 was a rough year for many people — ourselves included. We didn’t want to break our tradition of doing a year-end review, but this time it’s full of ups and downs instead of just highlights. If you’ve been wondering what 2020 has been like for travel bloggers, we’re bringing...
Read More75+ Best Travel Movies to Inspire Your Wanderlust
We’ve curated a giant list of wanderlust-inducing movies that’ll make you feel as if you are on an adventure far, far away. This list of travel movies covers all genres, from comedies to dramas to documentaries and even a big section of travel series on Netflix!
Read More65 Books for Travelers: Curing Your Wanderlust One Page at a Time
We’ve curated this giant list of books for travelers including titles we’ve read (and loved!) ourselves, as well as some books that are on our personal to-read list. We’ve done our best to round up a variety of different kinds of stories about travel so you’ll be sure to find...
Read MoreThings to Do During Quarantine: Tips for Staying Healthy & Having Fun
If you’re stuck at home right now, this guide is packed full of things to do during quarantine, including activities (for kids & adults) as well as easy meals, at-home workouts, ways to earn extra money from home, and how you can give back to the community. There’s even a...
Read More19 Highlights of 2019
When I think back on what we did in 2019, it feels like a lifetime and a blip all at the same time. This was a year was a big turning point for us in so many ways, both professionally and personally. Here’s a highlight reel of some of the...
Read MoreTop 18 Memories of 2018
With a new year on the horizon, we are reflecting on some of our favorite memories from 2018. From traveling adventures to blogging wins, we’ve had a pretty incredible year and are sharing all the details with you!
Read MoreOur Travel Plans for 2018
We've got some big travel plans for the first half of 2018 and we're sharing all the details with you! We'll be embarking on some adventures that are a bit out of our comfort zone and we'll be traveling to new countries. We're so excited to have you along on...
Read More17 Highlights of 2017
2017 was the year where we worked at a ski resort, lived in a campervan, and moved to Thailand to start working on this blog full time. 2017 was a year of adventures and lessons that we will take with us for life. We'll take you through our favorite moments...
Read More9 Things to Consider Before Quitting Your 9-to-5 Job to Travel
It may seem like everyone and their hipster neighbor are quitting their jobs to work remotely and travel the world. Amiright? So is it the answer for you? We're delving into what it's really like to quit your job in pursuit of freedom. And I'm going to give it to...
Read More16 Stories from 2016 (in 1 sentence each!)
Whoa! How did this happen? It's almost New Years and time to say goodbye to 2016. We are continuing our tradition of looking back on the year, so here are a few of our best memories from the past 365 days!
Read MoreLetter to my 18-Year-Old Self
What advice would you tell your fresh-out-of-high-school self? I sat down and wrote a letter to mine and here's what I had to say.
Read MoreThe Biggest of Thank Yous
We have so much to be grateful for this Thanksgiving, but there are a few people who deserve the biggest of thank yous...
Read MoreHow Disappointment Can be a Good Thing
How a big disappointment helped us figure out what's next on this journey we call life.
Read MoreWhat They Don’t Tell You About Traveling With a Girl
If you're planning on traveling long-term with your dream girl, you'll want to read this before you board your plane. I'm sharing a few words of warning and have some advice you won't want to miss!
Read MoreThe Best of our Year of Travel: Our Favorite Foods, Places & Experiences
Wanna know our favorite foods? Best hotels? Craziest things we did over the last year? What an Around the World trip is really like? This “Best Of” list is a must read!
Read MoreRound the World Round Up: Our Trip in Numbers
How far did we travel? How many different beds did we sleep in? And how many ice creams did we eat? With nearly 11 months of travel under our belts, we've gathered all the stats for you to see our trip by the numbers.
Read MoreQ&A: Ask Us Anything
We asked you to send us any questions you have about traveling and here are our answers. Watch along as we share some personal stories and great travel tips.
Read MoreLosing a Loved One While Overseas
We knew when we left for this year-long trip, we'd be making a lot of sacrifices. We would miss weddings, births and graduations. We would miss celebrations with old friends and holidays with families. But we never thought we would have to experience the death of a love one.
Read MoreWhere are we going next?!
This question keeps getting asked, and now we finally have an answer...
Read MoreWhen Travel Sucks
We have been so privileged to be able to do quite a bit of traveling. But it’s sunshine and mojitos every day. There are days when traveling straight up sucks! People often only share the best moments of their lives with the rest of the world; and we’re as guilty...
Read MoreTravel Isn’t Always the Answer
I too have been guilty of believing the naïve idea that all you have to do is want it enough and travel will just happen; and that people who aren’t traveling just don’t desire it as much as I do. But this is far from the truth. I’ve taken some...
Read More7 Life-Changing Lessons Travel Teaches
Travel is often thought of as a frivolous, self-indulgent activity. And sometimes it is. But what we often overlook are the life-changing lessons that travel teaches us.
Read MoreMy Problem with Bucket Lists
That's right, I have some beef with Bucket Lists. But it may not be what you're thinking.
Read More15 Memories from 2015
2015 has been a year of firsts, of goodbyes, and welcomes. And it was nearly impossible to choose just 15 memories, but here are a few that stood out amongst the rest.
Read MoreLove Letter to Minnesota
Dorothy was right: there really is no place like home! Traveling to faraway places has shown me just how special Minnesota is, and has inspired some poetic words.
Read MoreThe Truth About Not Having a Travel Plan
Going into our travels with no plan at all has been one of the exciting parts about this journey, but there have been some unique challenges that we weren't exactly prepared for.
Read MoreAnnouncing Our Biggest Adventure Yet
We are beyond excited about this next adventure we're embarking on. No, there isn't a baby on the way or a even new house... Read on to see what we can't stop smiling about!
Read MoreThe Hardest Part about Coming Home
Coming home after a year away is full of excitement and joy at seeing all the people and places you've missed. But there are challenges, too, that we don't always talk about.
Read More9 Ways Studying Abroad Changes Your Life
Whether you’re thinking about spending a semester overseas or are reminiscing on your own time abroad, join me in celebrating all the ways studying abroad can change lives for the better.
Read More9 Lessons I’ve Learned as an Expat
As my year in South Korea comes to an end, I have realized some big lessons I've learned along the way. One thing's for sure -- this year has changed me in ways I never would have expected. Find out what I've learned as an expat.
Read More10 Ways Overseas Travel Makes Couples Stronger
Traveling overseas will be the best thing you ever do for your relationship. Here's why.
Read MoreThe Anxiety and Adventure of Getting Older
Over the last few months, I've realized that I am mildly afraid of getting older. Okay, I'm terrified. And sometimes I can't help but wonder, Am I doing this "life" thing right?
Read More18 People You’ll Meet While Traveling
When you’re traveling and staying in hostels, you’re bound to meet some interesting characters… You may just fall in love with an exotic stranger, or fate may align your path with the best friend you never knew you were missing. And more likely than not, you will meet some people...
Read More14 Lessons Learned in 2014
2014 has changed me in ways I cannot even begin to express, but here are a couple of the lessons we've learned along the way.
Read MoreConfessions of an Expat
Between weekend adventures to new cities, trying exotic foods, and delving into another culture headfirst, there is a secret that all ex-patriots share.
Read MoreKorean Apartment Tour
When we finally opened the door to the place we would be calling "home" for the next year, we were shocked.
Read MoreKorean Surprise!
One of the more insightful lecturers warned us about a phenomenon she amusingly referred to as the “Korean Surprise”. She explained that in Korea, it was typical to find out things at the very last minute. “Hey, instead of teaching your normal 6th grade students today, you will teach their...
Read MoreWe’ve Got Some Big News…
…no we aren’t expecting a baby anytime soon, or buying a house. In fact, our news is kind of the opposite…
Read MoreOur Trip in Numbers
Being married to a nerdy engineer has its perks. One of them is that he kept track of each mode of transportation and each type of lodging we stayed in while in South America.
Read MoreBack to “Normal” Life… For Now
There are so many things we miss, but we are constantly being reminded how amazing home is, too.
Read MoreAre we really doing this?
Have you ever taken a leap of faith and pursued a dream even if it terrified you? We're walking you through all our emotions as we made the decision to leave behind the familiarity of home and pursue our dreams of traveling. Whether you're interested in quitting your job to...
Read MoreBlogging Income Reports
How We Made $74,367 in Quarter 4: Travel Blog Income Report
Ending the year with a bang! In this travel blog income report, we’re pulling back the curtain and releasing our traffic stats from Q4 in 2019. We are also sharing how much money we earned, what we spent and how we made major gains on our site this quarter.
How We Made $63,750 in 3 Months: Q3 Travel Blog Income Report
The last 3 months have been our most successful and profitable blogging months to date! We switched our travel blog income report to a quarterly format, so follow along as we share our monthly traffic and Q3 revenue of over $63,000!
How we made $17,811 in 1 Month on our Travel Blog: June 2019 Income Report
Come find out how we make money on our travel blog: We’re showing you everything from where we receive our traffic to where we get your revenue. This income report for June not only shows that we had another stellar month, but we actually had our highest monthly profit to...
How we made $18,065 in 1 Month on our Travel Blog: May 2019 Income Report
Take a peek behind the curtain and see what we worked on this month, where our traffic came from, and how we made more than $18,000 last month! We’re sharing our successes, fails, disappointments and lessons learned in this travel blog income report.
How We Made $16,389 in One Month (while Island Hopping!): Income Report April 2019
Last month, we shared our very first income report, and we received such a good response, that we’re doing it again! People are always asking us: “How do you earn money on a travel blog?” And we finally broke it all down, with examples, screenshots, and lots of numbers! Come...
How We Made $14,179 in 1 Month On Our Travel Blog: Income Report March 2019
We put our heads down and committed to learning everything we could about how to monetize our travel blog. And now, blogging is both of our full-time jobs! We’re breaking down exactly how we earn money on our travel blog to inspire newbie bloggers and answer the most common question...