…no we aren’t expecting a baby anytime soon, or buying a house. In fact, our news is kind of the opposite…
We are moving to KOREA!
Yes, yes, South Korea.
We will be boarding a flight in a little less than a month, bound for the opposite side of the world, to a country in which we’ve never been.
Are we nervous? Umm, absolutely. I’d be lying if I said no.
But are we excited too? Hell yes!
So why are we moving to South Korea?
Like many foreigners bound for this exotic destination, we will be teaching English.
And right now, that’s about all we know.
Although we are leaving in less than 30 days, there are still a lot of unknowns. We don’t know which city we will be living in. We have no clue what our apartment will be like. We don’t even know what age students we’ll be teaching.
It’s kind of scary when I realize we have absolutely no clue where we’ll be two months from now.
But it’s kind of exciting too, isn’t it?
There haven’t been many times in my life when I have fully relinquished control and truly embraced it. This is a perfect opportunity.
We asked for adventure, and here it is, staring us in the face.
There are a lot of mysteries, but we do know a couple things:
1. We will be living in the eastern part of the country in a province called Gyeongbuk. (no clue what city yet!)
2. We will be working with a program called EPIK (English Program in Korea)
3. As soon as we arrive, we will spend one week in orientation to help us get acquainted with our new life in Korea.
From everything that I’ve read about this week-long orientation, it seems like it will be much like freshman year of college – living in dorms, playing icebreaker games, wearing nametags and eating cafeteria style food.
Bring it on!
I just hope we aren’t the only old, married couple there!
So, our flight is booked, our contracts signed, and we are getting ready to say goodbye in just a few short weeks.
Now that the logistics are out of the way, let the month of packing begin!